Wednesday, April 15, 2009

spring break

Usually spring break means sunny destinations, rest and relaxation...not at our house. This year it meant shovels and gravel, scrapes and backaches, and lots and lots of DIRT! My wonderful, handy husband spent his break last week making new pathways and stone walls for the yard. But he can't take all the credit - he did have a little helper to lighten the load.  Here she is "working hard" (in her own words)...

...although I am not sure that digging up buckets of gravel you just put down is really much help but it sure makes it more enjoyable!

Just look at her cute little (DIRTY) face! 


Megan said...

I just love these pictures of Ava hard at work helping Brian! The picture of her dirty face is priceless!

Amy said...

love the dirty face....