Friday, January 21, 2011

Ava Adventures

I woke up in the morning and heard Ava playing upstairs so I went up to say hi. Right at the top of the stairs Ava was stuffing her backpack and before I could even ask a question she blurted out -
"I'm going to Egypt."
me: "O"
Ava: "I'm trying to get this all in here because its a hoy and away."
me: "O wow- why are you going to Egypt?"
Ava: "Because when we got back from Main I looked in and there were 55 people in here so we have to go to Egypt."
Me: "Egypt is a loooong way"
Ava: "Can you drive? Because you are the grow up"

So she and Logan got on her big floor pillow and I sat on the rocking chair right next to them and started to drive. I did tell her how long it would take and that we would have to take a ship across the ocean. So she immediately said- "Well than this is a plane"- and waved her hand like a magic wand. If only everything were that easy :)  Here is Ava and her sidekick on the plane to Egypt.

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